Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Glimpse

Dear Portland,
Having John here was a lot a fun. We were able to get into Glacier National Park yesterday and had a great day. Unfortunately the pass was closed so we didn't get seen any real life glaciers but there were adventures along the way.

My post tonight is going to be primarily photos. I took a lot and there really is no other way to describe the majestic landscape we encountered (the pictures don't do justice). The photos are in chronological order, but on our way up some of the places we wanted to stop were too busy so we hit them on the way down.

McDonald Lake

McDonald Falls

Repeat avalanche field

Same avalanche field
The flattened field creates creeks and waterfalls that grow lots of Grizzly Bear food.

Result of a creek flood
Kept going down the hillside

Heavens Peak (8,987 ft)

Forest burnout

The higher we climb (drive), the bigger the mountains get.

A little perspective


Hidden Creek (I think)

Gorge that feeds what I believe is Hidden Creek (Trail of Cedars)

Fallen Hemlock roots (Trail of Cedars)

Trail of Cedars

Inches away from an icy dripping waterfall

The day we spent in GNP is indescribable. I can't begin to write about how it made me feel, what it smelled like, the sounds I heard, and the sights I saw. The grandeur of it all still has me in a state of awe.
I'd like to keep it that way. 

Also, this is what John had to say.

p.s. I know my photo spacing is off but blogger is being difficult so those of you who noticed, as I would, just breeze over it.

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About Me

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The Learning Curve of an Adult Child is singularly me. I suppose it's about the trials and tribulations involved in what "they" call being a grown-up. But maybe it's just about things that happen and things I think about... (Also, that is my computer generated pirate name) My other blog, [hap]hazard, is my best friend and I. We enjoy adventuring.
