Monday, July 30, 2012


        As a student you are told that teachers don't have favorites. That they like and love all of their children equally. That's all well and good and could quite possibly be true, but in my experience, I have favorites. Maybe that makes me a bad teacher or maybe that's just one of the secrets they never tell you. 

 I have become a human jungle gym at camp this year. I have even had to make restrictions on which kids can climb on me (kindergarten only) and had to tell them sometimes that they are too rough or that I am not strong enough to hold them a certain way because in fact, I am not as strong as their father. This 5 year old boy is my favorite. I'm not usually one for the kindergarten age, but oh man. This kid is just great.

Today he was climbing on me after lunch and got a little too excited and I told him (and his climbing companion) that I simply could not support both of them at the same time and it was making my back a little sore. He apologized and proceeded to give me a back rub! His concern was so sweet and so kind that I just wanted to squeeze him! The two of them (4 year old grumpy girl) proceeded to climb then rub my back in between to make sure I was holding up okay. Too damn precious.

At the end of the day, around pick-up time the grumpy girl was climbing on me while I was standing. It ended up with me holding her ankles while she hung upside down behind me. I then pulled her straight up and bend down forward. She easily perches herself on my back sitting backwards, giggling and yelling at her Dad to look. While it may be hard and somewhat exhausting, I can be a human jungle gym for giggles like that any day.

Two weeks of camp left then Ms. Sadie is retired for four weeks and I can just be Sadie.

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The Learning Curve of an Adult Child is singularly me. I suppose it's about the trials and tribulations involved in what "they" call being a grown-up. But maybe it's just about things that happen and things I think about... (Also, that is my computer generated pirate name) My other blog, [hap]hazard, is my best friend and I. We enjoy adventuring.
